Consultancy by Clinicians Service
Do you need quick access to short-term support from an experienced practicing clinician in a specific clinical, administrative or managerial area?
Smart Heath Solutions are here to help!
Clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced clinicians, practicing at the top of their field.
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General Practice
What we can offer
Clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced clinicians, practicing at the top of their field.
Professional review of systems and processes to improve efficiency, optimise income and improve outcomes for both patients and provider.
Turning/realising good ideas into attractive business cases and service plans for quality improvement.
How can we help you?
Workforce Analysis: review of skill mix and capacity, to enable optimal planning and delivery within your Practice
Workforce Development Planning: review of needs, forecasting and gap analysis, to ensure your team is designed for optimal service delivery to meet the needs of your Practice population
Coaching and supporting leadership skills: Individual and team coaching and leadership development support, to help your people be the best version of themselves
Facilitation of clinical education: bespoke support for planning and delivery of clinical education and shared learning time to promote effective team working and development
Clinical Supervision: Review of needs, programme planning and local model development to embed clinical supervision into your Practice
Business Case Development: turning your good ideas into attractive business cases for new and improved Practice services
Review of Demand, Capacity and Flow: supporting your team to understand clinical demand and capacity, and develop creative ways to manage patient flow
Preparation and application support for CQC Registration: supporting your team through the extensive registration process for new services to ensure you are set up for success
Development of Policies and SOP’s: laying the foundations for operational excellence by providing clear and consistent direction and guidance for your entire Practice
Clinical Governance Support: support with organisational standards and performance monitoring, quality improvement and assurance, compliance and risk management across your Practice
Case Study
Smart Health Solutions provided specialist advice for a surgery with a Diabetes Register of approximately 900 patients in order to create a safer and more effective system for patient care, clinician communication and achievement through the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF).
A complete review and evaluation of the current system was undertaken with an ongoing plan for quality improvement. Included in the full system improvement was:
- a review of call and recall systems including a ‘three step, catch all’ safety net for non-attenders
- development of a bespoke clinical template, with sections for each individual HCP role incorporating prompts and reminders
- embedded links and clinical coding for each stage of proactive care planning and review, facilitating direct reporting for achievement indicators, including QoF and clinical audit
- Standard Operating Procedures and user training for clinicians and administrators on the new system
The project improved workflow, released clinician capacity, improved patient experience and satisfaction alongside increasing income for the Practice. The recall system was also wholly transferable to other LTC’s for future Practice-led improvements.
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Primary Care Network
What we can offer
We offer clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced Registered Nurses, practicing at the top of their field.
Professional review of systems and processes in to improve efficiency, optimise income and improve outcomes for patients, populations and providers
Turning/realising good ideas into attractive business cases and service plans for quality improvement
How can we help you?
Workforce Analysis: review of skill mix and capacity to enable optimal planning and delivery within your PCN
Workforce Development Planning: review of needs, forecasting and gap analysis to ensure your team is designed for optimal service delivery to meet the needs of your PCN population
Coaching and supporting leadership skills: Individual and team coaching and leadership development support to help your people be the best version of themselves
Facilitation of clinical and professional forums: bespoke support for planning and delivery of clinical education and professional networking forums to promote effective team working and organisational development across your PCN
Clinical Supervision: Review of needs, programme planning and local model development to embed clinical supervision into your PCN
Business Case Development: turning your good ideas into attractive business cases for new and improved services
Review of Demand, Capacity and Flow: supporting your team to understand demands on services, what your system can deliver and develop creative ways to manage patient flow
Preparation and application support for CQC Registration: supporting your team through the extensive registration process for new services to ensure you are set up for success
Development of Policies and SOP’s: laying the foundations for operational excellence by providing clear and consistent direction and guidance for your PCN
Clinical Governance Support: support with organisational standards and performance monitoring, quality improvement and assurance, compliance and risk management across your PCN
Case Study
We worked with PCN Data Facilitators to identify high intensity users of unplanned care. Through profiling the cohort of patients identified the team were able to identify care needs incorporating the wider determinants of health and the functions required to support these. This enabled bespoke workforce modelling to proactively and effectively utilise roles funded through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).
This work provided informed data, planning and KPI’s for a detailed business case to implement a new service that would reduce demand for unplanned services and improve patient outcomes.
Meet the team
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General Practice Provider Organisation/Federation
What we can offer
We offer clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced Registered Nurses, practicing at the top of their field.
Professional review of systems and processes in to improve efficiency, optimise income and improve outcomes for patients, populations and providers
Turning/realising good ideas into attractive business cases and service plans for quality improvement
How can we help you?
Workforce Analysis: review of skill mix and capacity to enable optimal planning and delivery within your GPPO or Federation
Workforce Development Planning: review of needs, forecasting and gap analysis to ensure your team is designed for optimal service delivery to meet the needs of your wider population
Coaching and supporting leadership skills: Individual and team coaching and leadership development support to help your people be the best version of themselves
Facilitation of clinical and professional forums: bespoke support for planning and delivery of clinical education and professional networking forums to promote effective team working and organisational development
Clinical Supervision: Review of needs, programme planning and local model development to embed clinical supervision into your GPPO or Federation footprint
Business Case Development: turning your good ideas into attractive business cases for new and improved services
Review of Demand, Capacity and Flow: supporting your team to understand demands on services, what your systems can deliver and develop creative ways to manage patient flow
Preparation and application support for CQC Registration: supporting your team through the extensive registration process for new services to ensure you are set up for success
Development of Policies and SOP’s: laying the foundations for operational excellence by providing clear and consistent direction and guidance for your entire GPPO or Federation
Clinical Governance Support: support with organisational standards and performance monitoring, quality improvement and assurance, compliance and risk management across your GPPO or Federation
Case Study
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Integrated Care Board / Integrated Care Partnership
How can we help you?
We offer clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced Registered Nurses, practicing at the top of their field.
Professional review of systems and processes in to improve efficiency, optimise income and improve outcomes for patients, populations and commissioners
Turning/realising good ideas into attractive business cases and service plans for quality improvement
Workforce Analysis: review of skill mix and capacity within teams and services to enable optimal planning and delivery
Workforce Development Planning: review of needs, forecasting and gap analysis to ensure your systems are designed for optimal delivery
Coaching and supporting leadership skills: Individual and team coaching and leadership development support to help your people be the best version of themselves
Facilitation of clinical and professional forums: bespoke support for planning and delivery of clinical education and professional networking forums to promote effective team working and organisational development
Clinical Supervision: Review of needs, programme planning and local model development to embed clinical supervision into teams across your organisation
Business Case Development: turning your good ideas into attractive business cases for new and improved services
Review of Demand, Capacity and Flow: supporting your team to understand demands on services, what your systems can deliver and develop creative ways to manage patient flow
Preparation and application support for CQC Registration: supporting your teams through the extensive registration process for new services to ensure you are set up for success
Development of Policies and SOP’s: laying the foundations for operational excellence by providing clear and consistent direction and guidance within your ICB
Clinical Governance Support: support with organisational standards and performance monitoring, quality improvement and assurance, compliance and risk management across your ICB
Case Study
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Public Health
How can we help you?
We offer clinical and professional consultancy services from our team of highly skilled and experienced Registered Nurses, practicing at the top of their field.
Professional review of systems and processes to improve efficiency, optimise income and improve outcomes for both patients and provider
Turning/realising good ideas into attractive business cases and service plans for quality improvement
Workforce Analysis: review of skill mix and capacity within teams and services to enable optimal planning and delivery
Workforce Development Planning: review of needs, forecasting and gap analysis to ensure your systems are designed for optimal delivery
Training Needs Analysis: baseline analysis across the workforce to identify the training needs to inform commissioners for the planning of subsequent training. Highlight areas of good practice and Identify areas that do not engage with the TNA process
Coaching and supporting leadership skills: Individual and team coaching and leadership development support to help your people be the best version of themselves
Facilitation of clinical and professional forums: bespoke support for planning and delivery of clinical education and professional networking forums to promote effective team working and organisational development
Clinical Support: Review of needs, programme planning and local model development to embed clinical support into public health teams and programmes
Business Case Development: turning your good ideas into attractive business cases for new and improved services
Review of Demand, Capacity and Flow: supporting your team to understand demands on services, what your systems can deliver and develop creative ways to manage patient flow
Audit: xxxxx
Development of Policies and SOP’s: laying the foundations for operational excellence by providing clear and consistent direction and guidance within your Public Health programmes
Clinical Governance Support: support with organisational standards and performance monitoring, quality improvement and assurance, compliance and risk management across both commissioned and PH delivered services
Rapid Response: support in creating and enabling services quickly for rapid mobilisation to identify and respond to challenging situations
Forward planning: supporting Public Health Commissioners in analysing current provisions to plan future training, in alignment with national and local guidelines.
Case Study
COVID-19 Support
SHS recruited and managed a virtual team of twenty nurses to support a Public Health Department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, managing a dedicated Public Health COVID email inbox, and developing online training and in-person clinical support for testing sites.
SHS created a workflow process to manage and prioritise the overwhelming number of incoming support requests from local care providers, voluntary organisations, businesses and individuals. The team developed and maintained Standard Operating Procedures for triage, response, escalation, and governance. They also developed and delivered online training for care homes, and supported living and extra care staff whilst providing clinical support, guidance and oversight for lateral flow testing centres.
SHS continued to support Public Health out of the pandemic, providing registered nurse support to the Public Health Nurses advising local residents, care providers, education and businesses regarding rapidly changing guidelines for returning to normal whilst minimising infection rates.
SHS provided back-office support that required nursing knowledge, in migrating systems to ensure health-related data was captured, allowing the Public Health Specialist Nurses to focus on their caseloads. Support in updating and maintaining workflow systems and the Standard Operating Procedure continued to optimise performance within the department.
Nurse and Midwifery Networks
SHS worked in collaboration with NHS England to recruit, roll out and manage the following Nursing and Midwifery Networks:
- General Practice Nurse Student Nurse Network (GPN SNN)
- Future Learning Disability Nurse Network (FLDN)
- Community Nurse Ambassador Network (CNAN)
- Perceptions of Midwifery Network (PoM)
The aims for each network were slightly different but shared the common aim and mission to represent the diversity of professional roles within each speciality:
- To connect and learn from fellow nurses and midwives
- To champion the professions in schools through collaboration with the NextGen Nurse initiative
- To celebrate the contribution ambassadors make to nursing and midwifery.
Customising the approach for each network, we were able to support ambassadors to:
- Take pride in their profession
- Increase activity on the NHS Futures platform
- Raise the profiles of their nursing specialities and midwifery on social media
- Influence the media representation of the profession and promote the view of nursing and midwifery amongst the public as highly trusted and clinically expert professions
- Provide coaching and confidence building for input into Next Gen Nurse schools sessions to promote nursing or midwifery as a first-choice career option for young people
Where requested, we supported the transition of the existing 4 regions into 7 regions by supporting the Ambassadors and contributing to the regional and local delivery of each network programme.
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“The Smart Health Nurse is a committed, well informed and passionate Nurse who generously shares her time and dedication to high standards of clinical practice with colleagues. She has helped support a team of nurses through a challenging time and reinvigorated their focus and direction. She has introduced good standards of care through sympathetic policies and procedures.
Her professionalism is evident in her role within the Strategic committee of the organisation, offering measured feedback and support……”
“The specialist nurse put together a diabetes template for our practice in July 2023 of last year.
She worked diligently and put a lot of time & effort into creating this template and as a result, CQC were impressed with the template. In addition, one of our Primary Care Colleagues who works in the Assist GP team was also impressed by the high standards of the template.
She has also assisted the practice with numerous policies, which the practice has incorporated.”
It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you over the last few months.
Your leadership and professional manner in leading the team of support nurses recruited to assist with the COVID-19 response has been particularly strong and supportive. You showed patience and flexibility with a willingness to change your approach during the formative days whilst we established the role of the nurses. You were able to clearly communicate these changes to your team of nurses ensuring that they all felt supported and had a good understanding of what they needed to do. You provided train the trainer training for the team of support nurses to ensure they had the necessary skills in infection prevention and control procedures and the correct donning an doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE).
With regard to your role in overseeing the COVID testing pilot, you organised this project very efficiently whilst also demonstrating good understanding of the needs of the vulnerable client group in Supported Living Centres. You were a great patient advocate ensuring that issues of consent to COVID-19 testing were addressed.
And thank you for your clear written weekly reports and verbal feedback at meetings on the progress of the project.
On behalf of the Public Health Team in the London Borough of Bromley, I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for supporting our team at this stressful time responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc
Director & Founder
Burdett Trust for Nurses
Award Winner
MedAll Exceptional Educator

Joanne Haws RN MSc
Clinical Director
Burdett Trust for Nurses
Award Winner
MedAll Exceptional Educator

Una O’Connor RGN MSc FHEA
Operations Manager
Burdett Trust for Nurses
Award Winner
MedAll Exceptional Educator
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Case Studies
In Practice
We provided specialist advice for a surgery with a Diabetes Register of approximately 900 patients in order to create a safer and more effective system for patient care, clinician communication and achievement through the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF).
A complete review and evaluation of the current system was undertaken with an ongoing plan for quality improvement. Included in the full system improvement was:
- a review of call and recall systems including a ‘three step, catch all’ safety net for non-attenders
- development of a bespoke clinical template, with sections for each individual HCP role incorporating prompts and reminders
- embedded links and clinical coding for each stage of proactive care planning and review, facilitating direct reporting for achievement indicators, including QoF and clinical audit
- Standard Operating Procedures and user training for clinicians and administrators on the new system
The project improved workflow, released clinician capacity, improved patient experience and satisfaction alongside increasing income for the Practice. The recall system was also wholly transferable to other LTC’s for future Practice-led improvements.
Primary Care Network
We worked with PCN Data Facilitators to identify high intensity users of unplanned care. Through profiling the cohort of patients identified the team were able to identify care needs incorporating the wider determinants of health and the functions required to support these. This enabled bespoke workforce modelling to proactively and effectively utilise roles funded through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).
This work provided informed data, planning and KPI’s for a detailed business case to implement a new service that would reduce demand for unplanned services and improve patient outcomes.
GP Provider Organisation/Federation
Integrated Care Board/Partnership
Share The Pressure
Public Health
COVID-19 Support
SHS recruited and managed a virtual team of twenty nurses to support a Public Health Department’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, managing a dedicated Public Health COVID email inbox, and developing online training and in-person clinical support for testing sites.
SHS created a workflow process to manage and prioritise the overwhelming number of incoming support requests from local care providers, voluntary organisations, businesses and individuals. The team developed and maintained Standard Operating Procedures for triage, response, escalation, and governance. They also developed and delivered online training for care homes, and supported living and extra care staff whilst providing clinical support, guidance and oversight for lateral flow testing centres.
SHS continued to support Public Health out of the pandemic, providing registered nurse support to the Public Health Nurses advising local residents, care providers, education and businesses regarding rapidly changing guidelines for returning to normal whilst minimising infection rates.
SHS provided back-office support, that required nursing knowledge, in migrating systems to ensure health-related data was captured, allowing the Public Health Specialist Nurses to focus on their caseloads. Support in updating and maintaining workflow systems and the Standard Operating Procedure continued to optimise performance within the department.
Nurse and Midwifery Networks
SHS worked in collaboration with NHS England to recruit, roll out and manage the following Nursing and Midwifery Networks:
- General Practice Nurse Student Nurse Network (GPN SNN)
- Future Learning Disability Nurse Network (FLDN)
- Community Nurse Ambassador Network (CNAN)
- Perceptions of Midwifery Network (PoM)
The aims for each network were slightly different but shared the common aim and mission to represent the diversity of professional roles within each speciality:
- To connect and learn from fellow nurses and midwives
- To champion the professions in schools through collaboration with the NextGen Nurse initiative
- To celebrate the contribution ambassadors make to nursing and midwifery.
Customising the approach for each network, we were able to support ambassadors to:
- Take pride in their profession
- Increase activity on the NHS Futures platform
- Raise the profiles of their nursing specialities and midwifery on social media
- Influence the media representation of the profession and promote the view of nursing and midwifery amongst the public as highly trusted and clinically expert professions
- Provide coaching and confidence building for input into Next Gen Nurse schools sessions to promote nursing or midwifery as a first-choice career option for young people
Where requested, we supported the transition of the existing 4 regions into 7 regions by supporting the Ambassadors and contributing to the regional and local delivery of each network programme.
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If you would like to contact us to ask questions or arrange a call, please fill out the contact form below
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