Work we’ve done…
In addition to its core training business, Smart Health have organised many larger events and programmes of work.
Our ‘All About ….’ series of evening educational events across South London, covered AF, Anti-coagulation and Diabetes, and was funded by educational grants from several Pharmaceutical companies. We made them lively and interactive, using voting buttons to actively involve everyone in the discussion and had 98% Good/Very Good feedback from the 300 attendees.
Smart Health took a very active role in the original Heart Age project, run by Unilever. We were Clinical Director and Chief Operating Officer in this exciting programme that was aiming to deliver large-scale behavioral change through the understanding of one’s theoretical heart age, once a persons’ lifestyle factors was counted against their actual heart age.
Smart Health assisted Imperial College with the follow-up of its patients on the pan-european Euroaction2 Varenicline programme. In the UK arm many patients were at risk of being lost to follow up and the study was at risk of not being able to report on, so SHS put together a team of qualified nurses that went out into patients homes (fondly referred to as Project Open Door), to undertake the follow up tests. We achieved the highest follow-up of any of the European countries taking part, of over 80%.
Smart Health managed the delivery of Cardiovascular Health Checks for the staff members of Unilever plc though its Fit Business programme. The voluntary checks achieved a 55% take-up (3,400), through a team of qualified nurses across 15 sites. In addition to the delivery of the checks, SHS wrote a bespoke appointment booking system for the staff and followed the programme up with a detailed report of the analytics for Unilever management.