NHS Health Check Training for Southampton

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The NHS Long Term Plan identifies cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a clinical priority and the single biggest condition where the NHS can save lives over the next 10 years. Following the disruption caused by COVID-19, we now have much to do to improve the detection and management of atrial fibrillation, blood pressure and cholesterol (ABCs). 

NHS Health Checks are a terrific way to help save lives, and training is essential.

Courses are commissioned by Southampton Council’s Public Health team and are free for practice staff that work in Southampton. Those with an interest in CVD prevention and the NHS Health Checks programme are encouraged to attend.

A great opportunity to network with colleagues from across Southampton.

Details coming soon:

Understanding NHS Health Checks

In-Person training for Southampton

New starters and those who have not yet undertaken training should complete the full-day Understanding NHS Health Checks training.

9.30am – 3.30pm

Starting with strengthening their understanding of the need for the programme and health inequalities that exist, this comprehensive session gives attendees the knowledge and understanding to support them in carrying out an NHS Health Check, including the significance of their results and CVD risk, acting on the filters and providing brief advice.

  • State why NHS Health Checks are important.
  • Identify non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Identify modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Know the NHS Health Check filters
  • State how an NHS Health Check should be conducted.
  • Identify how an NHS Health Check can assess and interpret the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • State how the risk of cardiovascular disease and opportunities for reducing this risk may best be communicated.
Anyone involved in the delivery of health checks including:
  • Practice Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • GPs
  • Health Care Assistants
  • Care co-ordinators
  • Social Prescribers
  • Administration
  • Practice Staff
  • Pharmacists
  • Allied Healthcare Professionals
  • Health Trainers & Champions
  • Healthy Lifestyle Professionals

     Cancellation Policy:

    1. If you wish to cancel your booking/place you need to do so by contacting: Info@smarthealthsolutions.co.uk
    2. All bookings/places cancelled within seven days of the actual event/course will be charged at full price.
    3. All bookings/places cancelled within fourteen days of the actual event/course will be charged 50% of the full course/event price.
    4. Any confirmed delegates who do not attend a session will be charged at the full rate.

    The Commissioner for Public Health for NHS Health Checks for your area will be informed if you cancel/fail to attend, however, it is often possible to register on an alternate date but please do cancel the original date to allow capacity for others and prevent unnecessary fees for your provider. 

    “I am a PM and attended this training more to obtain resources and also to ensure I know how to support the nurse and HCA team in case they have any questions. Also to know what work goes into a check so if a patient was to ask why we do offer these, I can answer the benefits. So it was very useful for me.”

    “The trainer and training was great, well presented, with lots of information, Looking forward to the slides being sent to help refresh my memory and reflect on the information and to complete the NHS Health checks fully and correctly.”

    “Michaela was very engaging, informative and from the opening section I thoroughly enjoyed this, the confidence given to my was very good, even explaining the zoom how to…. Very well done. Would not hesitate to recommend and will definitely use suggested sites. Thank you”

    “The presentation is clear, easy to understand, the course is intensive. I have very little knowledge of heart disease and none on Dementia and has learn more today I enjoy this presentation. Thank you”



    We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.

    We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008 and that we have won all training tenders we have bid for.


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    Everyone involved in the delivery of NHS Health Checks should complete the full-day training, followed by refreshers annually 

    Delivered by Zoom

    9.30am – 12.30pm or 1.00pm – 4.00pm

    This course is a follow-up to the Understanding NHS Health Checks full study day, a reminder of the NHS Health Check Competency Framework and then focuses on CVD Risk, GPPAQ, Audit C, and Dementia prevention and awareness.

    • State why NHS Health Checks are important. 
    • Know the NHS Health Check filters 
    • State how the risk of cardiovascular disease and opportunities for reducing this risk may best be communicated. 
    • Appreciate the different risk communication strategies 
    • Appreciate the complexity of GPPAQ and Audit C  
    • Know what is needed for Dementia prevention and awareness within a health check 

    This course is certified with 3 hours CPD on submission of evaluation.

    Verification is needed to access all the functions on MedAll, the platform for healthcare professionals, to access certicates and handouts. You can find out how by clicking here

    All clinical staff, including:

    • HCAs
    • Nurses
    • GPs
    • Phlebotomists
    • Pharmacists
    • Pharmacy Staff

       Cancellation Policy:

      1. If you wish to cancel your booking/place you need to do so by contacting: Info@smarthealthsolutions.co.uk
      2. All bookings/places cancelled within seven days of the actual event/course will be charged at full price.
      3. All bookings/places cancelled within fourteen days of the actual event/course will be charged 50% of the full course/event price.
      4. Any confirmed delegates who do not attend a session will be charged at the full rate.

      The Commissioner for Public Health for NHS Health Checks for your area will be informed if you cancel/fail to attend, however, it is often possible to register on an alternate date but please do cancel the original date to allow capacity for others and prevent unnecessary fees for your provider. 

      “I am a PM and attended this training more to obtain resources and also to ensure I know how to support the nurse and HCA team in case they have any questions. Also to know what work goes into a check so if a patient was to ask why we do offer these, I can answer the benefits. So it was very useful for me.”

      “The trainer and training was great, well presented, with lots of information, Looking forward to the slides being sent to help refresh my memory and reflect on the information and to complete the NHS Health checks fully and correctly.”

      “Michaela was very engaging, informative and from the opening section I thoroughly enjoyed this, the confidence given to my was very good, even explaining the zoom how to…. Very well done. Would not hesitate to recommend and will definitely use suggested sites. Thank you”

      “The presentation is clear, easy to understand, the course is intensive. I have very little knowledge of heart disease and none on Dementia and has learn more today I enjoy this presentation. Thank you”



      We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.

      We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008 and that we have won all training tenders we have bid for.

      Bookings closed 

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      Everyone involved in the delivery of NHS Health Checks should complete the full-day training, followed by refreshers annually 

      Delivered by Zoom

      9.30am – 12.30pm or 1.00pm – 4.00pm

      The NHS Health Check will help identify individuals who require additional clinical assessment and follow-up. This course focuses on guidance on best practice clinical follow up and further assessment that may be triggered by the NHS Health Check risk assessment . 

      The so what next bit, includes AF, blood pressure, cholesterol, CKD and familial hypercholesterolemia. 

      Choose your top three topics on the day, each session will be tailored to the group’s learning needs.

      • State why NHS Health Checks are important 
      • Know the NHS Health Check filters 
      • State how an NHS Health Check should be conducted 
      • For: AF, BP, Chol, CKD, and FH 
      • Know who is most at risk 
      • Know the signs & symptoms 
      • Describe the pathophysiology, detection and diagnosis  
      • Understand Initial management  

      This course is certified with 3 hours CPD on submission of evaluation.

      Verification is needed to access all the functions on MedAll, the platform for healthcare professionals, to access certicates and handouts. You can find out how by clicking here

      All clinical staff, including:

      • HCAs
      • Nurses
      • GPs
      • Phlebotomists
      • Pharmacists
      • Pharmacy Staff

         Cancellation Policy:

        1. If you wish to cancel your booking/place you need to do so by contacting: Info@smarthealthsolutions.co.uk
        2. All bookings/places cancelled within seven days of the actual event/course will be charged at full price.
        3. All bookings/places cancelled within fourteen days of the actual event/course will be charged 50% of the full course/event price.
        4. Any confirmed delegates who do not attend a session will be charged at the full rate.

        The Commissioner for Public Health for NHS Health Checks for your area will be informed if you cancel/fail to attend, however, it is often possible to register on an alternate date but please do cancel the original date to allow capacity for others and prevent unnecessary fees for your provider. 

        “I am a PM and attended this training more to obtain resources and also to ensure I know how to support the nurse and HCA team in case they have any questions. Also to know what work goes into a check so if a patient was to ask why we do offer these, I can answer the benefits. So it was very useful for me.”

        “The trainer and training was great, well presented, with lots of information, Looking forward to the slides being sent to help refresh my memory and reflect on the information and to complete the NHS Health checks fully and correctly.”

        “Michaela was very engaging, informative and from the opening section I thoroughly enjoyed this, the confidence given to my was very good, even explaining the zoom how to…. Very well done. Would not hesitate to recommend and will definitely use suggested sites. Thank you”

        “The presentation is clear, easy to understand, the course is intensive. I have very little knowledge of heart disease and none on Dementia and has learn more today I enjoy this presentation. Thank you”



        We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.

        We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008 and that we have won all training tenders we have bid for.

        Bookings closed 

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        Certificates of participation are available to all attendees on submission of evaluation and handouts for each course are available for future reference via the MedAll platform.

        Using your NHS email to register with MedAll will expedite verification which will allow you unlimited access to your certificate and reflective notes for CPD and revalidation. If you have a different email provider or are new to MedAll, click here for a helpful guide on registration and verification.

        A 30-minute video introduction to NHS Health Check training by Michaela.

        Available to watch on-demand at a time that suits you.

        CPD: 30 minutes.

        A certificate is available after viewing.

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        Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc

        Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc


        NHS Health Check Training Lead

        Michaela is a Cardiovascular Nurse Specialist, Director at Smart Health Solutions and founder of Learn With Nurses. She is the former Head of CVD Prevention for Public Health England and Clinical Advisor at OHID. She is the Chair of the Heart UK Health Care Committee and a member of the Nurses and AHP & The Guidelines and Information Working Party of the British and Irish Hypertension Society.

        Una O'Connor RGN MSc FHEA

        Una O'Connor RGN MSc FHEA

        Independent Nurse Consultant

        NHS Health Check Trainer

        Una is an Independent Nurse Consultant. Education is a priority for her, having achieved PGCE, PG Dip and Master of Science Degree in Medical and Healthcare Education and she is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her passion for promotion and delivery of teaching led to the role of Communications and Engagement Lead for Learn With Nurses and Una is currently the Operations Manager for both Smart Health Solutions and Learn With Nurses.

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