NHS Health Check London

Training Support

NHS Health Check 

The NHS Health Check (NHS HC) programme aims to help prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. People between the ages of 40 and 74 without any of the above mentioned conditions are invited to have an NHS HC.

The aim is to identify earlier poor health pertaining to cardiovascular disease, which will in turn lead to earlier interventions. Local authorities have a legal duty to make arrangements to provide the NHS Health Check programme to 100% of the eligible population over a five-year period and to achieve continuous improvement in uptake.

Why use these resources?

The Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) London Region formed in October 2021 as part of the reorganisation to incorporate health improvement functions of Public Health England into the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has as part of its key functions to provide system leadership, reduce inequalities and provide assurance of the quality and outcomes of population health programmes such as NHS Health Check.

The NHS Health Check London Training Resource Pack funded by OHID London includes videos of two in-person assessments for the NHS Health Check and a Q&A document with links to other helpful online resources.

The aim of this resource pack is to:                                                                                 

• Equip healthcare professionals with the information, skills, and confidence to deliver an NHS HC

• Offer reassurance on the consistency of practice in line with national guidance

• Form part of the regional approach to quality assurance.

Click to watch this short introduction video by Michaela 

Click to watch the launch event on 28.11.2023 (link will open in MedAll). The panel discussion can be viewed from 1hr 10mins into the video. 

Why watch these films?

Each Local Authority should commission training for healthcare professionals who deliver the NHS HC as part of their overall duty to ensure the success of their local programme.  These videos give an insight into what a good practice health check assessment looks like and is to complement and NOT replace the above training.

The questions and answers (Q&A) have been gathered from providers and commissioners as key topics that often crop up. Sometimes there is variation in local delivery, so do please check with your local commissioner if unsure.

Once you have watched the videos and completed a short evaluation form, you will be given the opportunity to request a certificate of learning.

Join Michaela as she demonstrates how to deliver a good NHS Health Check, incorporating Point of Care Testing, inputting measurements for the QRISK score and delivering the relevant brief advice to equip staff with the information, skills, and confidence to deliver an NHS Health Check. The videos offer reassurance on the consistency of practice in line with national guidance.

Video of Sanjeev’s NHS Health Check
(Length of video: 41 minutes)

Video of Gloria’s NHS Health Check
(Length of video: 38 minutes)


To help improve the quality of the check, alongside the training videos, a Q&A document is being collated. Providers and commissioners have gathered these questions as hot topics that often crop up. Note that there can be variations in local delivery. Click here to view the Q&A document.

New to MedAll?

The videos are hosted on MedAll, an all-in-one platform for healthcare professionals. Certificates are generated automatically on submission of evaluation and are available immediately for download, printing or for future access within your MedAll profile.

Registration and verification are needed for certificates, click here for help to get started.