Face Mask Fit Testing
As healthcare workers we all need to assess the risk of COVID-19 posed to ourselves and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimise that risk. The use of FFP3 respirator masks is required when carrying out aerosol generating procedures and each user needs to be carefully fitted by a trained and competent fit tester. We can navigate you through this process and offer a range of steps to meet your training and implementation needs.

Introduction to FFP3 Respiratory Protective Equipment and Fit Testing

Interactive Learning and Skills Webinar:  Subjective Fit Testing

Remote Training and Assessment: Subjective Fit Testing

Bespoke Face-to-Face Fit Testing Training & Implementation Package 

Joanne Loades RN MSc
Joanne Loades

Nurse Consultant in Cardiovascular Disease
Email: Joanne.loades@icloud.com
Tel: 0330 124 1966




Joanne Loades is a cardiovascular specialist nurse and has worked in a variety of roles across primary and secondary care over the past 20 years. In 2010 she set up in business as an independent nurse consultant delivering clinical, educational and consultancy services to a number of NHS, charitable and commercial organisations across the UK.

As a former Clinical Lead for Education for Health, Joanne passionately believes in educating healthcare professionals to improve patient care. Joanne held the position of Chair of the Cardiovascular Nurse Leaders’ (CVNL) Forum of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society from 2010 – 2012 and is the current Chair of the Nurses and Allied Health Professionals working Party of The British Hypertension Society.

She is also an Education Committee member of The European Society of Cardiology Council for Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. Joanne sits on the Editorial Board of the General Practice Nurse (GPN) journal and has authored many publications in the nursing and cardiology press both in the UK and internationally.

Since 2015 Joanne has been actively involved in the transformation of Primary Care and the development of Primary Care Networks. She is a member of the National Association of Primary Care’s (NAPC) Primary Care Home Faculty and a Clinical Associate for South Norfolk Healthcare GP Provider Organisation.

Joanne recently returned to her roots as a Critical Care Nurse to help support the COVID-19 response.