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NHS Health Check Commissioner Drop-In

February 7 @ 10:00 am - 10:30 am

NHS HC template content to meet minimum national standards for delivery of the programme

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Join Michaela Nuttall, founder and director of Smart Health Solutions and Una O’Connor, Operations Manager, for an informal drop-in session to chat about the NHS Health Checks training programme, national and local delivery and training needs analysis.

The drop-in sessions are scheduled on the third Friday of the month and delivered on Teams using a recurring link.

About our NHS Health Check Training
Our training offer has evolved; we now provide two types of training, National, where staff can book our regular online live training events for full study days, refresher, and the new Understanding CVD Risk. Or Local, where we work with you to provide a bespoke training programme tailored to your local needs. Local training can be online or in person, and while it includes the same elements as the National training, we also offer lunch and learn sessions, admin-specific, skills, clinical topics etc in addition to the core offering.

We are a registered Centre for the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH), and HEART UK supports our cardiovascular training. The NHS Health Check Competency Framework underpins our training.

We are proud of our strong heritage in supporting the NHS Health Check Programme, especially for training we have been providing since 2008 and that we have won all training tenders we have bid for.

Visit the NHS Health Check Programme Training Page for more information

About Us
It’s always nice to put a name to a face…. click here to meet the team!

Please complete the following form to receive a Teams link if you would like to join the Drop-In sessions.

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February 7
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Event Category:




Smart Health Solutions
0203 714 3903